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The anatomy of the foot

The foot is a masterpiece of engineering. It has 26 different bones held together by strong ligaments and small muscles. These form arches with astonishing load-bearing capabilities. To be able to assess the wide range of foot problems correctly and to understand complaints, which are frequently based on static problems, the fascinating world of the structure of the foot...

How the foot moves

Movements occur in the joints. The most important joint is the ankle between the shin and the talus. The directions of movement are moving the foot upwards (dorsiflexion), moving the toes downwards (plantar flexion), turning the sole inwards (supination) and turning the sole outwards (pronation). Different groups of muscles work together to move the foot.

Flat feet

The foot has still not fully adapted to the role of walking on two legs that it has been forced into by evolution. It cannot bear constant use and both its longitudinal and transverse arches fall so the inner side of the foot touches the ground. If you step on concrete with wet feet, an impression of the sole becomes visible. Naturally, a more professional way of checking this is to use the computer examination equipment.

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